Carson McDowell raise £16,500 for local charity, Belfast Samaritans.

Each year Carson McDowell partners with a local charity to fundraise on their behalf and to raise awareness of the charity’s crucial work in the community.
The leading Belfast law firm was keen to work alongside a charity focusing on mental health, with Belfast Samaritans proving to be the most popular charity amongst the firm’s 220 strong workforce.
Throughout 2022 the Carson McDowell team hosted various fundraising activities in aid of Belfast Samaritans to include:-
- Hosting a Retro Sports Day at CIYMS sports club – In June 2022, we welcomed 120 clients and staff members to an old-school style sports day event with companies pitting their athletic stars against rival firms to see who had the most sporting prowess. 18 teams took to the field to run the three-legged, sack and egg and spoon races before a bean bag toss completed the challenges. This was an incredibly fun event raising a very pleasing £10,000.
- Hosting bake sales within their Belfast and Dublin offices - In September 2022, the expert team of lawyers put their chefs’ hats on and showed how multi-talented they are! The bake sale was a great success raising £1,229.40.
- Spreading Christmas Cheer - In December 2022, Carson McDowell staff participated in Christmas Carol singing outside City Hall, a Christmas jumper day and Santa’s elves’ gift wrapping service. The team managed to raise a fantastic £500 in just one day!
Catherine Carton, Partner and Chair of the firm's CSR Committee, commented:
"Carson McDowell is delighted to present Belfast Samaritans with this sum of money. Working with the charity over the past 12 months has shown us at the firm just how vital their services are. The branch is open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week and 365 days per year, offering a lifeline to those in despair. The partnership was definitely a two-way street as we benefitted from webinars delivered by Ken Bamford from the charity who guided us on how to be better listeners to our colleagues, family and friends alike. We are incredibly grateful to our colleagues and clients for the generosity they have shown to Belfast Samaritans over the last year."