Carson McDowell's team raise over £500 in one day by spreading Christmas Cheer

On 14 December, Carson McDowell participated in various fundraising activities to aid the firm's charity of choice for 2022, Samaritans Belfast.
The first activity was the firm's Christmas jumper day; Carson McDowell employees donated to step out of their beautiful business attire and into a wonderfully bright, fun, and festive Christmas ensemble. Secondly, a number of the firm's lawyers took to the streets of Belfast to spread Christmas cheer by singing Christmas carols.
The team sang outside Belfast City Hall during the busy lunchtime rush with donation buckets. We knew the team were fantastic lawyers, but we were pleased to establish we have several great singers amongst us! The generosity of the public would lead us to believe they agree!
Finally, the Carson McDowell Gift Wrapping Elves were on hand to provide gift-wrapping services! A Number of the team donated their time to wrap presents in exchange for a donation to Samaritans Belfast.
These efforts combined allowed Carson McDowell to raise over £500 in one day.
We thank the generous public for their donations and kind words and our brilliant team for all their efforts.