The High Court in England has recently ruled in favour of an insurer in granting summary judgement in a claim brought under Third Party(Rights Against Insurers) Act 2010. In this article, Darren Thompson, Associate, reviews the case and decision.
In Northern Ireland, HSENI and the Farm Safety Partnership seek to raise awareness of child safety on farms.There are helpful resources as part of the “Be Aware Kids” campaign which contains information for teachers, parents and children to use. In the section for parents there is a reminder to: “prevent all children under 13 years from riding on tractors and farm machinery”.
Good Governance is not a tick box exercise but rather an elephant in the board room at all times, and one to which close attention should be paid. Having a reference point for what good governance looks like is something that all charity boards can benefit from.
In a somewhat novel case, the Technology and Construction Court in England has had to consider whether a party that had carried out construction work was entitled to be paid for that work, or whether he had carried out the work at his own risk.
Since 2020, 9 workers have died in Northern Ireland in incidents involving construction work at height. The Health and Safety Executive of Northern Ireland (“HSENI”) has recently launched a campaign to focus on the dangers of working at height.
The Health and Safety Executive of Great Britain (“HSE”) has recently reported on a prosecution relating to a school trip organised by Gateshead Cheder in March 2020.
The Health and Safety Executive (“HSE”) has recently reported on the prosecution of a farmer following the death of an 83 year old man who had been attacked by cattle. Read more here: