The General Data Protection Regulation was first adopted by both the European Parliament and European Council in April 2016 and came into force two years later on 25th May 2018.
Payments are now due for many of the first adopters of the UK Government’s Bounce Back Loans, launched in May last year.
A recent decision of the High Court in England will be of interest to landlords and tenants of commercial premises which have been subject to closure during the COVID-19 lockdown.
O’Flaherty’s (Nassau Street) Limited v Setanta Centre Unlimited Company
The application of the 2010 Act makes it much easier for a Third Party to pursue a claim against Insurers if the Insured becomes insolvent.
In the case of Multiplex Construction Europe Ltd v Bathgate Realisations Civil Engineering Ltd and others, the Technology and Construction Court in England had to consider whether an independent professional consultant, which was appointed by a sub-contractor, owed a duty of care to the main contractor