The recent growth of the gambling industry, particularly as a result of the popularity of online betting websites and apps, has brought the ownership and exploitation of live sports data into sharper focus.
This article considers the recent English Court case of Miles v Shearer in which two adult daughters made a claim against their late father’s estate on the basis he should have made financial provision for them in his Will.
In June 2021 the European Commission adopted adequacy decisions for the UK in which it acknowledged that the current UK data protection framework comprising UK GDPR (which effectively mirrors EU GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 offers essentially equivalent levels of protection to personal data to those guaranteed under EU Law.
Many jurisdictions have specific laws preventing the use of another person’s personality for commercial purposes, including the US, France and Germany. The UK, however, does not have any codified or consolidated legislation that confers such protection.
The view of the Supreme Court
he process of ADR is becoming increasingly encouraged by the Courts as a way to streamline litigation and save precious time and money for all involved. Nonetheless, in Northern Ireland, ADR still remains an alternative to the litigation process rather than a compulsory part of it.
The 25th May 2020 marked the second birthday of the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), throughout the UK and Europe.
For almost 20 years, the collecting, processing and storing of individuals’ data had been governed in the UK by the Data Protection Act 1998. In May 2018, this system was totally overhauled. This page addresses some frequently asked questions.
As organisations try their best to mitigate the effects that their businesses face in the fight against the global pandemic, they may find that they are collecting increased amounts of personal data.
A London pharmacy has been fined for inappropriate handling of patient data which breached the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).