The Healthcare team at Carson McDowell is the leading provider of legal defence and regulatory services to the healthcare sector in Northern Ireland and Ireland.
Healthcare is one of the most complex, fastest growing and heavily regulated fields and requires specialised legal representation. At Carson McDowell, we have one of the largest teams of healthcare solicitors in Ireland. Our lawyers have unrivalled knowledge and experience in this sector, advising a range of clients, including doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and opticians and through our work with private clinics, health and social care providers, medical defence organisations, medical malpractice insurers and residential & domiciliary care homes. Carson McDowell is a leader in the field of clinical negligence, with a dedicated team advising on the defence and proactive resolution of clinical negligence claims, management of complaints and serious incident investigations in Northern Ireland and Ireland. In addition to defending clinical negligence/medical malpractice claims on behalf of practitioners from across the spectrum of health-related disciplines, the team includes healthcare lawyers who are dedicated to defending healthcare professionals and organisations before their regulatory bodies and are independently recognised specialists in healthcare regulation, having practiced in the field for several decades. We also deal with ethical issues and advise on policy and procedure. Our experience allows us to fully understand and assist with the complex issues surrounding information governance, data protection and freedom of information issues in the healthcare setting. We take pride in our ability to deal with cases sensitively, protecting reputations and always seek to conclude matters at the earliest possible opportunity. In circumstances where investigations give rise to criminal proceedings, we advise companies and individuals in relation to potential liability and defence options. We understand the complexities of all clinical practice areas and the daily challenges practitioners and organisations face. Whatever services you require, we will do everything in our power to ensure that you get the best legal advice and representation at every stage. Our work in this area is highly respected, not only within the legal profession, but also within the medical profession. |
If you have a query about our services or just want to find out more, please get in touch today.